Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Las Tarjetas del Día de la Graduación - Deséales a los Estudiantes Graduados

Hey! It's the Graduation Month -- that brings opportunities to wish your fellow grads with cool graduation wishes. Take this wonderful opportunity to add your special bit of encouragement and congratulate them on their success of getting a transition into a new world. Check out some beautiful cards for graduation month...


El Día de Graduación ya se aproxima para casi todos los estudiantes. Es un día muy importante para ellos y necesitan los deseos y saludos y definidamente, las felicidades. Podrías darles a ellos un estímulo y animarles en este día favorable. Lo mejor manera de hacerlo, si viven muy lejos a ti, es de mandarles las tarjetas gratis del Día de Graduación y los saludos de la Graduación. Haz clic por estas etarjetas heromosas del Día de Graduación para extender la mano a ellos...

Big Round Of Applause! Say congratulations to your friend/loved one with a big round of applause.

Reach For The Stars! Send this cute ecard to appreciate and encourage your friend/bro/sis/loved one who has graduated.

Congrats On Your Graduation! A cool ecard to congratulate a graduate on his/her achievement.

You Have It In You! Congratulate your friend/son/daughter/bro/sis/dear one on graduating, with this cool and cute ecard.

May Your Dreams Come True! Congratulate and encourage all your dear ones who have graduated with this beautiful ecard.

Beyond Graduation... Life outside the campus is calling them. Why not congratulate all those new grads with this cute ecard.

Key To Success! They have got the degree and it's only the beginning of a bright future. Send across your wishes with this ecard.

Congrats! It's over with college and it's time to go out into the real world outside. Congratulate the new grads with this ecard.

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